Friday, August 21, 2009
A friend I used to work with back in my Edinburgh days has been working on some pretty fantastic stuff recently. He and his collaborators have been using computer-orchestrated electronic actuators to control a variety of physical music-producing devices.
Their latest creation (shown in the video above) is Cybraphon, a one-"man" wardrobe band.
I really like it.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I really should be working on Saucer Pilots, but as I've said before, I'm much better at starting projects than finishing them...
Thursday, August 13, 2009
XNA Force Feedback Helper Class
This is a little helper class I whipped up to manage force feedback vibrations in XNA. The XNA libraries themselves just have a method you call to set the instantaneous left/right vibration force. In games, however, you generally want the feedback to last over a period of time, and you may have more than one force feedback event happening at the same time.
This code provides a "fire-and-forget" interface for triggering vibrations. Add a call to update the ForceFeedbackManager in your game's update code. Call AddVibration whenever you want to trigger force feedback.
Note: this code is not threadsafe - you must be triggering feedback from the same thread you call Update from.
This code provides a "fire-and-forget" interface for triggering vibrations. Add a call to update the ForceFeedbackManager in your game's update code. Call AddVibration whenever you want to trigger force feedback.
Note: this code is not threadsafe - you must be triggering feedback from the same thread you call Update from.
public class Vibration
float leftMotor;
float rightMotor;
float msLeft;
public float LeftMotor
get { return leftMotor; }
set { leftMotor = value; }
public float RightMotor
get { return rightMotor; }
set { rightMotor = value; }
public float MSLeft
get { return msLeft; }
set { msLeft = value; }
public Vibration(float leftMotor, float rightMotor, float durationMS)
this.leftMotor = leftMotor;
this.rightMotor = rightMotor;
this.msLeft = durationMS;
public class ForceFeedbackManager
private PlayerIndex playerIndex;
List<Vibration> vibrations = new List<Vibration>();
public ForceFeedbackManager(PlayerIndex playerIndex)
this.playerIndex = playerIndex;
public void AddVibration(float leftMotor, float rightMotor, float durationMS)
vibrations.Add(new Vibration(leftMotor, rightMotor, durationMS));
public void Update(float msElapsed)
List<Vibration> toDelete = new List<Vibration>();
foreach (Vibration vibration in vibrations)
vibration.MSLeft -= msElapsed;
if (vibration.MSLeft < 0.0f)
foreach (Vibration vibration in toDelete)
float leftMotor;
float rightMotor;
GetVibration(out leftMotor, out rightMotor);
GamePad.SetVibration(playerIndex, leftMotor, rightMotor);
public void GetVibration(out float leftMotor, out float rightMotor)
leftMotor = 0.0f;
rightMotor = 0.0f;
foreach (Vibration vibration in vibrations)
leftMotor = Math.Max(leftMotor, vibration.LeftMotor);
rightMotor = Math.Max(rightMotor, vibration.RightMotor);
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
sfxr - A Great Free Sound Effect Generator

One of the problems I always have when I'm working on a game project is sourcing sound effects. Recently, I came across sfxr, a very nice program for creating sound effects. It was a great help when I was working on Saucer Pilots.
It is basically a little software synth with a bunch of variables you can tweak to generate a wide variety of sounds. A helpful set of presets are provided for generating commonly needed classes of video game sounds.
Once you find something you like, export it to a WAV file and you are good to go. Very handy little utility.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Saucer Pilots - XNA Dream Build Play 2009
Whew! I just squeaked an entry in under tonight's deadline for the 2009 XNA Dream Build Play competition.
Last Monday, I was messing around with a new "flying saucer" game prototype idea. It seemed like it had promise, so I kicked into high gear to try to get something submittable for the competition. I initially got the submission date wrong, and thought I had until this Sunday. A few days ago, I realized my error and really had to step things up.
The competition was a good impetus to get me to actually finish something. I'm generally much more fond of starting things than completing them...
Anyway, the game is "Saucer Pilots" - a 1-4 player saucer flying game with five different gameplay modes. Xbox LIVE avatars are used for saucer pilot models (avatars do not appear in this video, as they are not visible on the PC). The physics implementation I'm using is Farseer.
Overall, I think it turned out pretty well for a week-and-a-half effort. The only thing that made that timeline possible was the framework on top of XNA that I've developed over the past year. And help from Sherry.
Oh, and did I mention that it has fishing?